Professor David Pion-Berlin | Was the January 6th Storming of the US Capitol a Self-coup?

About this episode

The storming of the US Capitol on January 6th 2021 was a shocking event for many. Citizens pushed past Capitol police, causing property damage and threatening congresspeople and the Vice President. Five people died in the attack. Participants included armed members of right-wing militias, terrorist groups, neo-Nazi organizations, and conspiratorial groups such as Q-Anon. Nothing similar had been seen since the British burned the Capitol building to the ground during the War of 1812. Immediately afterwards, scholars and the media attempted to understand what had happened. Commentators had a range of viewpoints, describing the event as an insurrection, a mob invasion, sedition, a legitimate protest, a rebellion, and a coup. Read More

Original Article Reference

Summary of the paper ‘The Trump Self-Coup Attempt: Comparisons and Civil–Military Relations’, in Government and Opposition,


For further information, you can connect with Professor David Pion-Berlin at

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