Create your Video

Let the world see your research

The new frontier for communicating research

With an estimated 5.14 million academic articles published every year, there is no shortage of information available to the public. But with so much information out there, how do you make sure that your research stands out?

It is no longer enough to simply publish your research in a scholarly journal. You need to find ways to not only reach, but also connect with a wider audience and share your findings with the world.

That’s where animation comes in. Animation is a powerful tool that can help you to communicate your research in a way that is both engaging and informative. It can quickly bridge geographic, demographic, and psychological language barriers, allowing you to communicate your research to a global audience and make your research more memorable.

How SciTube can help

Creating an animation can be challenging and expensive, but SciTube can help.

We offer a cost-effective end-to-end production service, from scriptwriting to voice acting to animation, to turn your research into an eye-catching, informative visual message that will quickly reach your target audience and beyond.

Our team of experienced science writers and animators will work with you to shape the message you want to deliver and help you achieve maximum impact from your research. We will develop scripts and storyboard imagery to bring it to life, and produce a high-quality animation that will engage and inform your audience.

Don’t wait for print or online media to find you. Take control of your own communication and make sure that your research is seen and heard by the people who matter most.

Explore our video world!

Visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel

Editorial process

Our services

Single paper Animation

This option is perfect for researchers who want to make a single research paper more accessible to a wider audience. Our team of PhD-level science writers will create a clear and concise 450-word summary of your paper in plain language. Our creative animators will then visualize your research with engaging 2D graphics and produce a 3-minute animation that brings your research to life. Our professional voice artists will narrate the findings of your paper in a way that is both informative and engaging. We will then publish your animation on our platform and through all leading video sharing networks, so that it can be seen by millions of people around the world.

£2200 GBP
(*we can invoice in any currency)

Multi paper Animation

This option is ideal for researchers who want to summarise a full research project or multiple research papers (up to 3 papers) and make their findings accessible to a wider audience. Our team of PhD-level science writers will create a clear and concise 700-word summary of your research in plain language. Our creative animators will then visualize your research with engaging 2D graphics and produce a 5-minute animation that brings your research to life. Our professional voice artists will narrate the findings of your paper in a way that is both informative and engaging. We will then publish your animation on our platform and through all leading video sharing networks, so that it can be seen by millions of people around the world.

£3600 GBP
(*we can invoice in any currency)

Trusted By The Research Community

Jiayan Li
After reviewing SciTube's impressive work, I saw it as a way to make our research accessible to non-scientists. The editorial process was professional, creative, and friendly, and the final animation is impressive and clear. I enjoyed working with SciTube and recommend it to others." Watch the video
Dr Jiayan Li
After reviewing SciTube's impressive work, I saw it as a way to make our research accessible to non-scientists. The editorial process was professional, creative, and friendly, and the final animation is impressive and clear. I enjoyed working with SciTube and recommend it to others." Watch the video
Jiayan Li
Dr Jiayan Li
Youzhong Guo, Ph.D
I am thrilled to have collaborated with SciTube to produce an outstanding animation that effectively conveys our research findings to a broader audience. Scientific journals, while instrumental in scientific communication among peers, often lack accessibility for those outside specialized fields. My 7th-grade daughter, who initially found my research perplexing, grasped the intricacies of my work with ease after viewing the animation SciTube created. This revelation instilled in me a profound sense of satisfaction, as I believe inspiring the next generation of scientists is a paramount responsibility. Presenting our research in concise formats through streaming platforms aligns perfectly with the modern media consumption habits of today’s youth. Science popularization, though crucial, often receives insufficient attention from scientists themselves. SciTube’s exceptional work has undoubtedly enhanced the public’s understanding of our research and nurtured a deeper appreciation for scientific endeavors. I commend their efforts and encourage their continued contribution to science communication. Watch the video
Youzhong Guo, Ph.D
VCU, School of Pharmacy
I am thrilled to have collaborated with SciTube to produce an outstanding animation that effectively conveys our research findings to a broader audience. Scientific journals, while instrumental in scientific communication among peers, often lack accessibility for those outside specialized fields. My 7th-grade daughter, who initially found my research perplexing, grasped the intricacies of my work with ease after viewing the animation SciTube created. This revelation instilled in me a profound sense of satisfaction, as I believe inspiring the next generation of scientists is a paramount responsibility. Presenting our research in concise formats through streaming platforms aligns perfectly with the modern media consumption habits of today’s youth. Science popularization, though crucial, often receives insufficient attention from scientists themselves. SciTube’s exceptional work has undoubtedly enhanced the public’s understanding of our research and nurtured a deeper appreciation for scientific endeavors. I commend their efforts and encourage their continued contribution to science communication. Watch the video
Youzhong Guo, Ph.D
Youzhong Guo, Ph.D
VCU, School of Pharmacy
Douglas S. Levine MD
After an initial consultation with James at SciTube to find out if my research would be a good fit for animation, I was convinced of the merits of short, video synopses of full-length scientific publications. I then worked closely with SciTube’s Executive Editor Dr Nelly Berg to produce my animation. The process was smooth, efficient, and creative, with very clear communication throughout. I am very pleased with the final animation. I plan to share the video with my professional network, and will also send it to the journal that published the original paper, to help non-specialists engage with my work. Watch the video
Douglas S. Levine MD,
DSL Consulting, LLC
After an initial consultation with James at SciTube to find out if my research would be a good fit for animation, I was convinced of the merits of short, video synopses of full-length scientific publications. I then worked closely with SciTube’s Executive Editor Dr Nelly Berg to produce my animation. The process was smooth, efficient, and creative, with very clear communication throughout. I am very pleased with the final animation. I plan to share the video with my professional network, and will also send it to the journal that published the original paper, to help non-specialists engage with my work. Watch the video
Douglas S. Levine MD
Douglas S. Levine MD,
DSL Consulting, LLC
Dr Robin Davidson-Arnott
SciTube provided me with an opportunity to communicate my research paper to coastal managers and non-professionals. I enjoyed working with the SciTube editorial team, and they were easy and efficient to communicate with. I have circulated my animation to a few key colleagues already, and added it to my email signature and ResearchGate page – I hope this will provide a quick and easy way for people to learn more about my studies. Watch the video
Dr Robin Davidson-Arnott
University of Guelph
SciTube provided me with an opportunity to communicate my research paper to coastal managers and non-professionals. I enjoyed working with the SciTube editorial team, and they were easy and efficient to communicate with. I have circulated my animation to a few key colleagues already, and added it to my email signature and ResearchGate page – I hope this will provide a quick and easy way for people to learn more about my studies. Watch the video
Dr Robin Davidson-Arnott
Dr Robin Davidson-Arnott
University of Guelph
Dr Julie Karand
I worked with SciTube to spread knowledge of studies with non-traditional participants. The production process went well, with great communication and input from my editor. I will use my animation as promotion material to reach the public who don't read research papers. I would recommend SciTube to my colleagues. Watch the video
Dr Julie Karand
University of Delaware
I worked with SciTube to spread knowledge of studies with non-traditional participants. The production process went well, with great communication and input from my editor. I will use my animation as promotion material to reach the public who don't read research papers. I would recommend SciTube to my colleagues. Watch the video
Dr Julie Karand
Dr Julie Karand
University of Delaware
Dr Kevin Lewis
As I progress in my career I’ve increasingly sought ways to extend the reach of my research and also make it more accessible to a broader (i.e. non-academic) audience. So I was thrilled when the SciTube team reached out and asked if I would be interested in having them compose a video for my research. This was a new process for me and I know that many services for academics exist with varying levels of integrity. SciTube has impressed me every step of the way. First, they composed a written narrative; second, a voice specialist provided an audio recording of the narrative; and finally, this narrative was combined with a beautifully animated video depicting my paper’s central arguments. I was invited to provide feedback at each step and my feedback was always incorporated (from slight tweaks to the original narrative to a request for an alternative voice specialist to a couple minor suggestions for the video). Beyond this, however, the customer service was outstanding: My primary contact at SciTube, Nelly, was extraordinarily responsive, professional,...
Dr Kevin Lewis
University of California San Diego
As I progress in my career I’ve increasingly sought ways to extend the reach of my research and also make it more accessible to a broader (i.e. non-academic) audience. So I was thrilled when the SciTube team reached out and asked if I would be interested in having them compose a video for my research. This was a new process for me and I know that many services for academics exist with varying levels of integrity. SciTube has impressed me every step of the way. First, they composed a written narrative; second, a voice specialist provided an audio recording of the narrative; and finally, this narrative was combined with a beautifully animated video depicting my paper’s central arguments. I was invited to provide feedback at each step and my feedback was always incorporated (from slight tweaks to the original narrative to a request for an alternative voice specialist to a couple minor suggestions for the video). Beyond this, however, the customer service was outstanding: My primary contact at SciTube, Nelly, was extraordinarily responsive, professional, and kind (despite my own substantial delays). Needless to say, I am very happy with the final product and will be proud to post the video to my professional website. My gratitude to the entire SciTube team! I hope many others will make use of their services. Watch the video
Dr Kevin Lewis
Dr Kevin Lewis
University of California San Diego
Dr William Durkan
Working with SciTube is a great way to communicate research to a new audience. The professional content works well for social media promotion of your work, and is a great learning resource to introduce students to a new topic. Watch the video
Dr William Durkan
Maynooth University
Working with SciTube is a great way to communicate research to a new audience. The professional content works well for social media promotion of your work, and is a great learning resource to introduce students to a new topic. Watch the video
Dr William Durkan
Dr William Durkan
Maynooth University
James Dyer
The paper summarised by our SciTube video deals with a choice that consumers make, so it made sense that a video could help to clarify this choice for consumers. I will send the video to local media and to industry groups that could benefit from the transition advocated by the video. I enjoyed my experience working with the SciTube team, and in particular their willingness to listen to our concerns and work with us through as many iterations of the script as required until we were happy. I look forward to our video reaching new audiences and opening doors to venues that I would not have predicted. Watch the video
James Dyer
Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
The paper summarised by our SciTube video deals with a choice that consumers make, so it made sense that a video could help to clarify this choice for consumers. I will send the video to local media and to industry groups that could benefit from the transition advocated by the video. I enjoyed my experience working with the SciTube team, and in particular their willingness to listen to our concerns and work with us through as many iterations of the script as required until we were happy. I look forward to our video reaching new audiences and opening doors to venues that I would not have predicted. Watch the video
James Dyer
James Dyer
Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
Dr Jacob Barhak
I decided to work with SciTube as I support new ways of publication, and in many ways this is better an article in a journal. An animation allows intuitive connections and can explain in a few seconds, text that will be understood by a reader only after several sentences or paragraphs. For example, a few animated seconds may need a page of writing as text. In our fast pacing world, time is a valuable resource and saving it by showing an idea quickly is very valuable. Moreover, a movie attracts people more than a large title using text. When I showed my interactive poster in MODSIM I stepped back from my booth and watched how groups of people came to my booth watching at the movie explaining my work. Even if I was not there the movie itself was a attraction that viewers could relate to and were attracted to. I enjoyed working with the SciTube team, my editor was great and helpful, and my animator was talented. As a short summary, my animation will promote my studies to a larger public audience as I have already found out. I ...
Dr Jacob Barhak
Independent Computational Disease Modeller
I decided to work with SciTube as I support new ways of publication, and in many ways this is better an article in a journal. An animation allows intuitive connections and can explain in a few seconds, text that will be understood by a reader only after several sentences or paragraphs. For example, a few animated seconds may need a page of writing as text. In our fast pacing world, time is a valuable resource and saving it by showing an idea quickly is very valuable. Moreover, a movie attracts people more than a large title using text. When I showed my interactive poster in MODSIM I stepped back from my booth and watched how groups of people came to my booth watching at the movie explaining my work. Even if I was not there the movie itself was a attraction that viewers could relate to and were attracted to. I enjoyed working with the SciTube team, my editor was great and helpful, and my animator was talented. As a short summary, my animation will promote my studies to a larger public audience as I have already found out. I would be happy to recommend SciTube to my peers. Watch the video
Dr Jacob Barhak
Dr Jacob Barhak
Independent Computational Disease Modeller
University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
I wanted to find a way to spread my scientific results on olive oil, a popular food commodity in my country, to a wider audience compared to the audience of scientific journals. After working with SciTube, the results of our study are now available to olive oil producers. Also, SciTube has helped us with one of our main commitments to our funding agency, in the popularisation of scientific results obtained using their funds. The SciTube team were very communicative, and their constant support made the production process as easy as possible for me. For these reasons, I would recommend SciTube to my peers. Watch the video
Dr Ilario Losito
University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
I wanted to find a way to spread my scientific results on olive oil, a popular food commodity in my country, to a wider audience compared to the audience of scientific journals. After working with SciTube, the results of our study are now available to olive oil producers. Also, SciTube has helped us with one of our main commitments to our funding agency, in the popularisation of scientific results obtained using their funds. The SciTube team were very communicative, and their constant support made the production process as easy as possible for me. For these reasons, I would recommend SciTube to my peers. Watch the video
University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
Dr Ilario Losito
University of Bari “Aldo Moro”

Looking for something more bespoke?

Premium 3D Animation Service

Feel free to contact us for further information, or visit our frequently asked questions page

Q: What is SciTube?

A: SciTube could be summarised as a ‘post print’ form of communication, or an accessible plain language summary produced into the modern communication format of a video. SciTube is an end-to-end production and dissemination service supporting researchers in communicating their work and reaching a much broader and more diverse audience.

Q: Why do I need SciTube?

A: Our mission is to connect science and society, which in turn creates innovation. We think it’s vital to support traditional scholarly publishing and transform science into something enjoyable, understandable and impactful that everyone has a chance to be involved with. We are not here to change or challenge the traditional scholarly publishing format; instead, we aim to complement this accepted form of dissemination and help to enhance communication and impact.

A large number of researchers are actively encouraged by their institute or funding agency to showcase their work beyond their own niche communities and traditional publishing channels, especially when it comes to taxpayer-funded research. Engaging with the public is of increasing strategic importance for higher education, to build trust and strengthen relevance, responsiveness and accountability.

Each video is produced and published by our industry leading team. Our team of editors, science writers, voice actors, designers and media specialists is unique in the industry and is perfectly placed to help you achieve a far-reaching impact for your research.

We are here to work with you, and to help your research reach the large audience it deserves.

Q: Why is outreach and public engagement important?

A: As you probably already know, academics are becoming increasingly aware of their responsibility to communicate more broadly, especially to the public.

Moreover, given the significant change in the way information is disseminated and accessed, people want more from researchers, academic institutions, and industry than ever before. As a result, the topic of science communication is a growing area of interest.

It is now widely accepted that broader science communication (outreach and public engagement) is a fundamental aspect of a scientist’s career. While many do recognise this, it can be a challenge to do it effectively. Despite the benefits of broader science communication, scientists report barriers to engaging public audiences, including busy schedules and concerns that it will take time away from their research.

SciTube helps overcome these barriers, by offering a professional communication and dissemination service to support and enhance research. We make research understandable, enjoyable, accessible, and open.

Q: Why a video? I’m encouraged to publish in text by my peers.

A: With over 7000 new scholarly papers being published each day, many are never read, let alone cited. We think it’s vital to support traditional scholarly publishing and transform science into something enjoyable, understandable and impactful, which everyone has a chance to be involved with.

A major motivation behind SciTube was the desire to create an inclusive platform that offers ALL people an opportunity to learn. With an estimated 700 million dyslexic people, and 1.5 billion people with hearing loss, SciTube provides learning opportunities for communities that are often overlooked in scholarly publishing.

We have no intention of trying to replace text communication. We are aiming to compliment and support it.

Q: Ok, so how does SciTube work?

A: In short, we do the majority of the work. SciTube is an end-to-end production and dissemination service supporting time-poor researchers in communicating their work and reaching a much broader and diverse audience.

Each video is produced and published by our industry leading team. Our team of editors, science writers, voice actors, designers and media specialists is unique in the industry and is perfectly placed to help you achieve a far-reaching impact for your research

Each video is based on a single research paper, and our team works to present the research in the most accessible, understandable and enjoyable way. Audiences with varying levels of expertise and knowledge will be able to understand the significance and potential impact of the research.

Q: What is your simple 4-step production process?

A: Step 1 – Upload your paper on our online ordering system

Step 2 – Video script produced
Our writing and editing team will produce the first plain language summary script within 10 days. Our standard-length script is approximately 500 words for. Once produced, this is sent back to you for review and approval. We do not publish anything without your 100% approval.

Step 3  – We go to the recording studio
We then produce a storyboard to help you visualise and comment on the potential animation. Once you have approved the storyboard, we produce a full-colour 3-minute 2D animation

Step 4 – Your video is published
We produce a unique webpage within our digital library for you. We then disseminate to our direct audience and through our audio social media channels on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

It’s as simple as that. On average the process should take no longer than 2 hours of your time over a period of 4-6 weeks. Quicker production times may be available on request.

Q: Will I get a chance to review and approve before publishing?

A: Absolutely! We want to produce, publish and disseminate each vieo to save your time, but we are working FOR you, and this is YOUR research. The drafts of the script, audio, video, and everything in-between, are all sent to you to review and comment on. Nothing is published without your 100% approval.

Q: Where will you publish my video?

A: We will publish your article on our website and archive your video in our digital library. You will receive a dedicated webpage for ease of access and sharing your video. We publish all material in an open access and barrier-free format under a creative commons licence. We have no pay walls or subscribe walls to view, download or share any of our material.

Our dissemination team promotes each video through our website, social media channels, and news aggregators.

You will receive the ownership of your video so that you have unrestricted re-use. We want you to show your video off, the more it is used, the more visible your research becomes.

Q: Where will you disseminate and promote my video?

A: Our dissemination team promotes each video to our direct audience, where we receive over 40,000 website visitors each month. As well as promoting to our direct audience and through our social media channels, we publish through all major video streaming sites.

This does not take into account pass-on audience metrics, which is responsible for an additional 75% of viewers worldwide (i.e., a high school teacher downloads a video and then plays it to their classroom of students).

Our videos are additionally disseminated through YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, LabXchange, Facebook, Twitter, Flipboard, Google News, and LinkedIn.

Q: Can I or my institute use the video for our own communication efforts?

A: Yes, we encourage all groups we work with to extend the reach of each video by personally utilising it. You will have unlimited and unrestricted use of each video. We will provide you with an Mp4 file of your video, and also create a dedicated library page for each video so that you can directly link and share.

For example, post it directly on your University’s website or newsletter, add a link to it in your CV as a summary of your recent work, add it to your conference poster with a QR link, or shout about it on social media – the choice is yours.

Q: What licence covers my video?

A: We publish all material in an open and barrier-free format under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. We have no pay walls or subscribe walls to view, download or share any of our material. This licence allows for free use and re-use of your video by others, as long as they are not using it for financial gain.

Q: What type of research topic do you accept?

A: We have a large team of PhD-level science writers who can understand and write about any subject. No subject is too complex to transform into a video. If you cannot see a similar topic already covered by video then this is down to lack of opportunity rather than ability. We have worked with a lot of different topics, but not all.

Try us, we will work closely with you until you are completely satisfied with your video before it is published.

Q: Can I choose the focus of the video?

A: Absolutely, we want this to be of value to you. As we are an extension of scholarly communication and not a peer-review publication, we like to discuss projects and results that have already undergone peer review.

In other words, we write our articles using research articles or reviews that have already been published in reputable peer-reviewed journals to help control the quality of the research we cover.

Q: I have published a preprint, and want to produce a video to support my paper submission, is this ok?

A: Yes, we will be delighted to produce a video based on your pre-print and help with your paper submission to a peer reviewed journal. If you have a target journal in mind, then please let us know and we will help tailor your video to any journal related requirements.

Q: My paper is currently in review, can i work with you before it is accepted?

A: We can approach this one of two ways, and the choice is ultimately yours. We can either wait until the paper has been accepted. Or, we can actually start work on the topic before the paper is accepted. The latter offers you an opportunity to actually use your video as summary when submitting the paper to a journal, or using as press release to support the paper being published. This has become a very popular way for researchers to use video and add that extra personal value.

Q: Will there be any copyright issues with the original publisher?

A: No, we are not re-publishing or re-working the same material. We are producing new content based on the original paper. This is similar to how a press release would work, and our aim is to increase the visibility of your original paper as well as make your research widely accessible. We will make sure the original paper title, publisher, and DOI are cited and linked in your video.

Q How will SciTube affect impact?

A: Impact can be measured in many different ways. Increasing the visibility and accessibility of your research will help to create more opportunities for funding, employment, partnerships, and support.

Consider outreach and general communication as an impact metric in itself. If your government plan to cut your research funding and there is no public reaction. Or there is generally low interest being taken in your studies from policy makers and stakeholders. Then your current approach to communication is not working and you need to try something different.

As for more traditional scholarly impact. According to Wiley, one of the leading scholarly publishers, having a video to support your scholarly paper creates 111% higher full text views of the original paper. SciTube has also shown to significantly improve the Altmetric scores and visibility of the original scholarly paper we cover. For example, this video helped to raise the Altmetric score of the original science paper from 8 to 25 within 3 weeks of our videos’s release:

Q: This all sounds good, but what is the cost?

A: As you can understand, employing a team of professional writers, editors, voice artists, graphic designers, animators, website developers, and marketers, comes at a cost.

We have worked very hard to bring our communication services to the research community at a very reasonable price. These prices are the total tax-free cost that covers the full production, distribution and digital hosting. The fee also allows us to pass the copyright of the material back to you, so that you may use it freely and independently.

Our Video cost start from £2200 GBP (approximately $2700 USD, €2500 EUR).

Find out more here:

Q: Is this an eligible expense for my grant?

A: Yes. If your grant has an outreach or communication component, then SciTube is an eligible expense. If we can help with any grant administration then just let us know. Likewise, if you want to include SciTube in your future grant applications, just let us know what information you require.

Q: Is this an allowable expense for academic publishing?

A: Yes. A large number of academics are actively being encouraged by their institute or funding agency to engage and showcase their work beyond their own niche communities and traditional publishing channels, especially when it comes to taxpayer-funded research.

Q: What payments do you accept?

A: All payments are welcome. Either choose to pay with a credit card or invoice on our order screen. All major credit cards are accepted and processed securely by Stripe. If you request an invoice then we can arrange a PO or bank/wire transfer.

Our invoices have a 45-day payment term which has been set to allow plenty of time for the first draft of the article to be produced by us, and approved by you. Our intention here is making sure that we are not asking for the payment in advance of any works being produced, as is familiar in scholarly publishing. However, where we do differ from scholarly publishing is the fact that we incur editorial and production costs from the get-go. So, the 45-day term is there to be fair to our authors and institutes, and also to be fair to our initial financial commitment in taking each project on.

Q: This all sounds good. How do I start?

A:  Either talk to one of our outreach managers or place your order through our online ordering system. This will then go directly to our editing team who will get started straight away. Choose your product and place your order here: