Dr Elif Miskioğlu – Dr Kaela Martin – Dr Adam Carberry | Fostering Intuition in Engineering Students to Solve 21st Century Challenges
About this episode
Experienced engineers typically have advanced technical knowledge and unique skillsets. Many also develop impressive intuition through years of experience, which helps them to devise solutions to complex real-world problems. Cultivating such intuition in engineering students could better equip them to tackle humanity’s increasingly complex challenges. Before we can design classroom interventions that foster intuition in prospective engineers, we need methods that can reliably assess intuition. Using such methods, the effectiveness of a given intervention could be measured by assessing students’ intuition before and after they take part. Read More
This work was supported by the US National Science Foundation (Grant No. 1927149 and Grant No. 1927250)
For further information, you can connect with Dr. Elif E. Miskioğlu at elif.miskioglu@bucknell.edu

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