Professor Helen Fulton | Who Were the Marcher Lords? An Innovative Project to Understand their Cultural Significance

Feb 21, 2024 | behavioural sciences

About this episode

The March of Wales refers to an area north to south along what is now the border between England and Wales. This region was first penetrated by Norman barons after 1066. Although the Welsh fought to hold their ancient kingdoms, the Normans were securely established by the mid-1200s. When, in 1282, Edward I killed the most powerful Welsh ruler, Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, independent Wales was conquered. Some areas became Crown possessions, while others were distributed to Marcher lords. This created a Marcher aristocracy that shaped the culture of the region for the next three centuries. Read More

Welsh version:

Mae’r Mers yn cyfeirio at ardal o’r gogledd i’r de ar hyd beth sydd heddiw yn ffin rhwng Cymru a Lloegr. Daeth y barwniaid Normanaidd i mewn i’r rhanbarth hwn ar ôl 1066. Er i’r Cymry frwydro i gadw eu teyrnasoedd hynafol, roedd y Normaniaid wedi eu hen sefydlu erbyn canol y drydydd ganrif  ar ddeg. Pan gafodd Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, arweinydd mwyaf pwerus Cymru, ei ladd gan Edward I yn 1282 cafodd Cymru annibynnol ei choncro. Daeth rhai ardaloedd yn eiddo i’r Goron gydag eraill yn cael eu dosbarthu i arglwyddi’r Mers. Creodd hyn fonedd y Mers a ddylanwadodd ar ddiwylliant y rhanbarth am y tair canrif a ddilynodd. Read More

Project Information

Summary of the project entitled ‘Mapping the March: Medieval Wales and England, c. 1282–1550’,

The project is supported by the European Research Council, with funding supplied by UKRI


For further information, you can connect with Professor Helen Fulton at


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