Dr Gabrielle Laloy-Borgna – Dr Stefan Catheline | Discovery of Flexural Waves in Blood Vessels Could Enable Accurate Cardiovascular Diagnostics

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Arterial stiffness reflects our cardiovascular health and can reveal our risk of cardiovascular illness. This stiffness can be measured by assessing the speed of the waves that travel through our blood vessels as our heart beats. However, ultrasound measurements are too inaccurate for measuring wave speeds in certain blood vessels, while optical techniques are too inconsistent. Because of these issues, longitudinal waves are typically not measured in clinical settings. The key to measuring arterial stiffness may lie in assessing the right kind of waves. Read More

Original Article Reference

Summary of the paper ‘Observation of natural flexural pulse waves in retinal and carotid arteries for wall elasticity estimation’, in Science Advances, doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.adf1783


For further information, you can connect with Dr Stefan Catheline at stefan.catheline@inserm.fr or Dr Gabrielle Laloy-Borgna at gabriellelaloyborgna@gmail.com

W: http://labtau.univ-lyon1.fr/

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